International Leucaena Conference

(29 October – 3 November, 2018)

You are invited to attend an international conference on the tree legume leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) and other species in the Leucaena genus to be held in Queensland, Australia 29 October – 3 November 2018.

The conference will comprise a three day field trip followed by a 2.5 day workshop at the University of Queensland.

Express  your interest in attending the Australian tour of Leucaena graziers and / or conference on the Expression of Interest Tab to receive regular updates on progress and announcements from the Organising Committee. Even if you are uncertain if you can attend, but you have an active interest in leucaena R&D, we welcome your expression of interest.

Register your intention to attend one or both of the two events of the conference on the Registration Tab.


Leucaena is widely recognized as the most sustainable, and valuable multipurpose tree legume in the tropics. For livestock, it is a productive and profitable source of protein for ruminant production. Its other multipurpose uses include: land regeneration;  carbon sequestration and methane reduction; biomass for paper pulp and electricity generation.

Over the past three decades, scientists and farmers have greatly increased their knowledge of this plant, resulting in new plantings that have grown almost exponentially over time. As a consequence, there is demand for improved knowledge of the latest varieties, recommended management practices, and feeding systems.

The conference

The most experienced scientists, extension workers, and farmers will be brought together to share their knowledge for the benefit of ruminant livestock and agroforestry industries everywhere. The last dedicated conference on leucaena was held in Vietnam in 1997. The conference presentations, posters, and major decisions for future work and collaboration (R&D outcomes) will be made available in the open access Journal Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales.


Conference registration is now live for the 2018 International Leucaena Conference

Register online now

Venue, timing, field trips

The venue of the Conference will be held at the beautiful University of Queensland St Lucia Campus in Brisbane Australia, and will be preceded with a field trip, which together with the conference, will be from 29 October – 3 November, 2018.

The field visit to some of the most successful large-scale leucaena graziers is being organised by the University of Queensland in cooperation with  The Leucaena Network. Details are provided on the Registration Tab.

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